Monday, June 8, 2020


In our previous topic,  we discuss the types of sentence and how they are used in English. Here,  we will like to continue with this sentence formation by analysing each words that conjunct as a sentence.

We all know that part of a sentence is a clause and this means,  for every word in it has its basis and origin. When i say origin here,  i mean the parts of speech each word belongs to. Now i will give you an example to express what i mean.

Saburi has gone to visit his mother in the city.
In accordance to the English rules,  we have eight parts of speech which we are going to treat each better soonest! But let's list out few of those eight. We have noun,  pronoun,  verb.......
Now back to the example given above 'Saburi has gone to visit his mother in the city. Here,  we have the:

Subject: which denotes the actor(s) or the doer of the action. In this case,  who is the actor in the above sentence? We will all agree that ot's Saburi. Hope you understand? Now let's move on.

Predicate:which denotes what the actor(s) or the doer did in the sentence. So what did Saburi did in the sentence? Has gone to visit his mother in the city. Hope you get that? The work of the predicate starts from where the actor stops. It is of no concern to the predicate if there is any word that comes before the Subject. For instance,  The queen of England has arrived. 'The queen of England' is a subject and you know it's in a possessive case likewise an article. Since England is attached to its Queen and it can't make a full sense without it,  then it cannot be seperated from it. In that case the predicate starts from the initial verb of the sentence. And the initial verb of the sentence 'The Queen of England has arrived ' is ? Yeah HAS.

As predicate is concerned,  it denote what the actor does in the sentence. It also encompasses all words that come after the subject. It comprises:

Transitive : a link/verb that connects a subject to an object,  i.e a verb of transitive requires object (the receiver of the action). To know the receiver of the action; the word 'what' or 'who' needs to be attached to the verb of the subject.

Rama bought, (here we can say bought what?) Then to complete it; you can say,  Rama bought a pen. So the pen here is an object which means the verb 'bought' determines the existence of the object. Hope you understand? Also in the example:

Muffu slapt (who)?. Muffu slapt sagbene.
Intransitive: Once a verb is used intransitively,  it dosen't require an object except in some cases which will later discus. To determine these verbs,  it won't require the attachment of 'what' or 'who'. Examples
The baby cries. Can we add WHAT to the cries? Ofcourse No!

They all sat. (Likewise in this example )
Provide more examples amidst your daily activities and people around you.
Leave your comments, questions and clarifications.

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