Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Part of speech (Noun)

Parts Of Speech: Definition And Useful Examples In English - 7 E S L
We all know that for every human, there is always a composure of body parts in exception that are naturally or accidentally omitted. The combinations of two letters or more make a word while the combinations of two or more words make a sentence.
 As our body consist of various parts; so also the speech we utter constitute various parts. This is why we called it parts of speech.
The parts of speech in English consist of 8. Which are:
Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjectives, preposition, conjunction,  interjection.
Hope you understand that? Now we shall pick them one after the other for further explanation. Let's start with a Noun.
Concrete Nouns: Useful List Of 400+ Concrete Nouns - 7 E S L
 Definition of Noun
Consider the following picked words in the below sentences.
1. Olu is my friend. (Here olu is picked)
2. I was born and brought up in Lagos = Lagos
3. The goat is a domestic animal. = Goat
4. My Father has a big house in the village. = father,  house, village.
5. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. = Beauty
From the words picked out from each of the sentence above,  a Noun can simply be defined as word used to name people or person,  animals,  places, things, ideas,  emotions,  and so on.
When we say THINGS in the definition of Noun, it also include what we can use the 5 senses for.
Secondly, it can mean what we can think of but cannot be perceived by the senses.
Noun and its kinds
Common nouns and Pronouns for first graders - YouTube
Common Noun: it is a general name of things,  concept, ideas, animals and so on. In a nutshell,  it is a noun shared by all. Such as the word girl,  (we all know any female living organism associated to humans with underdeveloped age is called this),  principal,  town,  hotel, school and so on.
More so,  it is a noun of non specific i.e. if i should tell you to call me a girl in your classroom; you can just go there and call any girl because i did not specify any girl.
Proper Noun: This refers to the specific names of :
A. Person: Tunde,  Funke,  Adeola.
B. Cities,  towns,  countries,  continents, institutions and so on: Lagos,  Agege, World bank of Africa e.t.c .
C. Months and days: January,  March,  Monday.
N. B you will observe that each name under proper noun starts with capital letter, ,  this differentiate it from common Nouns. But note that a common noun needs not begin with a capital letter unless it begins a sentence. Also every proper noun must begin with a capital letter even if it occurs within a sentence. Examples:
1. Ade met Shola in the zoo.
2. Sheraton hotel is located in Maryland.
3. We went to the village in February.
Collective Noun: Definition, List & Examples Of Collective Nouns ...
Collective Noun: This is a noun used to refer to a group of things or a class of individuals. Examples:
1. The herd of cattle is passing
2. A bunch of plantains,  keys.
3. A flock of sheep.
4. A team of players. Other words under collective Nouns include swam(of bees) fleet of (cars) class of (students) and so on.
Abstract nouns: are things or concept that cannot be touched or seen; they exist in our imagination. They also exist by experience and feeling (emotion). Such of these nouns are, beauty,  hatred, love, idea,  death,  and so on.
Abstract Noun: Definition & List Of 160+ Common Abstract Nouns ...
An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or state considered apart  from the object to which it belongs; as. 
Quality - Goodness, kindness, whiteness, darkness, hardness, brightness, honesty,  wisdom, bravery.
Action - Laughter, theft, movement, judgment, hatred. 
State - Childhood, boyhood, youth, slavery, sleep, sickness, death, poverty.
The names of the Arts and Science (e.g., grammar, music, chemistry, etc.) are also  Abstract Nouns.
[We can speak of a brave soldier, a strong man, a beautiful flower. But we can also think  of these qualities apart from any particular person or thing, and speak of bravery,  strength, beauty by themselves. So also we can speak of what persons do or feel apart  from the persons themselves, and give it a name. The word abstract means drawn off.]
Abstract Nouns are formed:
(1) From Adjectives; as,
Kindness from kind; honesty from honest. 
[Most abstract nouns are formed thus.]
(2) From Verbs: as,
Obedience from obey; growth from grow.
(3) From Common Nouns; as,
Childhood from child; slavery from slave.
Concrete Noun: All other types ofNoun ( common,  proper and collective) except abstract nouns are concrete nouns because they can be seen touched.
Another classification of nouns is whether they are “countable” or “uncountable”.  Countable nouns (or countables) are the names of objects, people, etc. that we can count,  e.g., book, pen, apple, boy, sister, doctor, horse.
Uncountable nouns (or uncountables) are the names of things which we cannot count,  e.g., milk, oil, sugar, gold, honesty. They mainly denote substances and abstract things.
Countable nouns have plural forms while uncountable nouns do not. For example, we say  “books” but we cannot say "milks"
We shall continue in our subsequent post. Kindly attempt these questions.
Exercise 1
Point out the Nouns in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common,  Proper, Collective or Abstract:
1. The crowd was very big. 
2. Always speak the truth.
3. We all love honesty.
4. Our class consists of twenty pupils.
5. The elephant has great strength.
6. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.
7. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
8. We saw a fleet of ships in the harbour.
9. The class is studying grammar.
10. The Godavary overflows its banks every year.
11. A committee of five was appointed.
12. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India.
13. The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery.
14.Without health there is no happiness.
15. He gave me a bunch of grapes.
16. I recognized your voice at once.
17. Our team is better than theirs.
18. Never tell a lie.
19. Wisdom is better than strength.
20. He sets a high value on his time.
21. I believe in his innocence.
22. This room is thirty feet in length.
23. I often think of the happy days of childhood.   
24. The streets of some of our cities are noted for their crookedness.
25. What is your verdict, gentlemen of the jury?
Exercise 2
Write the Collective Nouns used to describe a number of
(1) Cattle;    
(2) Soldiers;     
(3) Sailors.
Write the qualities that belong to boys who are
(1) Lazy;      
(2) Cruel;         
(3) Brave;   
(4) Foolish.
Exercise 3
Form Abstract Nouns from the following Adjectives:

Monday, July 6, 2020


In our previous articles, we explained briefly ways to achieve excellence and high grades in writing essays by following the appropriate steps required.
Today, we shall discus essays writing and areas of focus (AOF) students are expected to know before attempting or making a choice on the options given.
In the course of choosing what to write in essays; there are series of options given to students to choose a suitable and convenient topic for better understanding. The major ones among them are:
The Eight Techniques of Writing A Good Essay | The Best Essay
Informal letter writing.
Article writing.
Formal letter writing.
Speech/debate writing.
Story writing.
How to Write a Letter
Now! Let's begin with letter writing.
One of the advisable topic required to be done by students is informal letter due to its simplicity and how relating it is to students' lives.
If you come across letter writing in your exams,  especially informal letter and you desire to choose or write on it; kindly follow these steps and guides as it is very vital to note them down and understand them because they are your KEY to its (informal) door.
Extracted questions from 2019 May/June WAEC ESSAY.
Letter Format Example and Writing Tips
1.The first thing to do is for you to prepare the format necessary to write a successful informal letter , likewise the points needed to be discussed must be gathered. For instance, the 2019 Waec question on informal letter is:
"You are about to graduate from secondary school and you held the position of library prefect. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her your experiences and how they have contributed to your life in a positive way".
Once you choose this topic,  the ideals you need during the BODY of the letter will have gathered and it will make your letter more comprehensive. Here are the formats of informal letter:
Address of the writer.
The address of the writer must be at the right hand corner of your sheet. As for the layout of the address,  we have the indented style and the blocked style. Here is a sample of writing the address.
4 Ways to Write a Formal Letter - wikiHow
St. Gregory College,
P.M.B 7586,
Victoria Island,
12th July, 1999.
In the above sample, we use the blocked because it is mostly used and widely recognized. So it is also advisable to choose this style.
You will note that the beginning of each sub location in the address denotes capital letter,  this means that the places are classified as proper Nouns not common nouns. So if you are to write yours,  note those areas because they are one of the AOCs (area of concentration) of the examiners.
Secondly, try and observed the use of punctuation marks in the address. If you are telling us your address and you know it has areas, street, bus stop, and states. Then use the comma (, ) until you get to the last location or main point of recognition; then you can use the full stop.
N. B if you are writing a letter to someone outside your country, it is strictly recommended to attach your country as the final point of location where the full stop is needed to be inserted.
St. Gregory College,
  P. M. B 7586,
     Victoria Island,
12th July, 1999.
The above format is called the indented or slant style. This is not commonly used due to its strictness in usage.
2. Date: According to some linguists,   Date can he written in two forms. For instance:
12th July, 1999 and 12th of July, 1999.This two ways are preferable to use but first one is more former while the second one less former.
3. Salutation: as informer letter is concerned, even from its title, we can detect it is less former and loose language is permitted to be used as it is not formal. Moreover, it is written to ones' relations and closed ones. Based on the salutation, we can say DEAR RICHARDSON, DEAR... SO AND SO. Regardless of the name of the person we are writing to.
N. B Having written the salutation, it must end with comma.
3. Paragraph: this is the short space left before writing the main points of the letter,  it begins when one gets to the points of writing the greeting. It is expected of students to prepare ad create at least 5 to 6 paragraphs depending on the amount of points requested by the questioner.
4. Greeting: This is the point where you are required to introduce few of your points with the initial steps of greeting whosoever you are writing to, depending on the purpose of the letter and how close you are to the person. For instance, if you are to reply s letter your friend sent to you some months ago; you can begin by apologizing for replying late to his previous letter.
Rules for Writing Formal Letters
5. BODY of the letter: Here as we mentioned that the ideals you need must be gathered before initiating the letter. This is where those expected ideas and points are needed and to be writing down in the format of demarcating the points with paragraphs. For instance, if you are to give 3 points why ....... It means once you get to the body of the letter, you will have to use 3 paragraphs to show those 3 points required.
6. Conclusion: here, you can just summaries the points you mentioned in the body of the letter and conclude it with any suitable and delightful words such as " Best wishes, Yours sincerely, Yours lovingly" and so on. This should be followed by your name.
How to Write Articles (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Article writing
If as a student,  you decide to choose an article as what you intend writing; you are also on the right track. We shall explain here how an article should be written and steps to take in writing a good one.
According to the given article of  2019 May/June WAEC Essay,  the topic given on article was " write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the growing incidence of drug abuse among the youth,  stating the cause and suggesting ways it can be curbed".
1.The first thing you need to observe is to locate the central focus of your article, which is the main topic. Try and gather points necessary for backing it up before proceeding with it.
 Here the basic discussion you are required to write is drug abuse and ways of curbing it.
2. Introduction: Write the topic in a more formal way with the use of upper case .Give a full definition of your main focus.
N. B this definition should be done in the first paragraph.
3. Paragraph: This is very vital and mostly required when writing an article.
4. Points/ Body of the write-ups: You are to discuss the points required and mention in full details all that are required to be mentioned. In this points; paragraphs are needed outline the points in order to avoid interlocking of information.
This is the Best Format to Follow While Writing an Article ...
Conclusion: You are to round up your points with summary of all that you have mentioned in the body. Then you conclude it with your full name.
Revise: should there be time for cross checking, kindly go back to your write-ups for verifications.
Our subsequent articles will be based other essays required in WAEC. Kindly comments and ask questions for clarifications. Thanks for reading.

Monday, June 29, 2020


12 verb tenses table learning English grammar tenses

20 Sentences of Simple Present, Simple Past and Simple Future ...

Today we shall discus tenses and this, we know it is under the verb series. In this case let's look at the following examples to determine what we mean by tenses.
1. She writes this letter to please you.
2. I wrote the letter in his very presence.
3. I shall write another letter tomorrow.
In sentence 1, the Verb write refers to present time.
In sentence 2, the Verb wrote refers to past time.
In sentence 3, the Verb shall write refers to future time.

Thus a Verb may refer
(1) to present time, 
(2) to past time, or 
(3) to future time.
. A Verb that refers to present time is said to be present tense. Example:
I sleep; she goes to school every day.

A verb that refers to the past or previous time is said to be past tense. Example:
I was afraid of the beast when i saw it.

A verb that refers to the future time is said to be future tense. Example:
I shall visit the doctor tomorrow. Hope you get it? Now let's move on!
PPT - Past, Present, and Future Tense PowerPoint Presentation ...
The Tense of a Verb shows the time of an action or event.
Note: Sometimes a past tense may refer to present time, and a present tense may express future time, as:
I wish I knew the answer. (= I'm sorry I don't know the answer. Past tense - Present time)
Let's wait till he comes. (Present tense - future tense)
We may now define Tense as that form of a Verb which shows the time and the state of an action or event.

A verb agrees with its subject in number and person. Study the verb forms of various tenses:
Simple Present Tense 
I give, You give, He gives, We give, They give

Present Continuous Tense
• I am giving, You are giving, He is giving, We are giving, They are giving.

Present Perfect Tense 
I have given, You have given, He has given, We have given, They have given

Simple Past Tense 
I gave,  You gave, He gave, We gave, They gave.

Past Perfect Tense
• I had given• You had given• He had given• We had given• They had given
Simple Future Tense
I shall/will give,  You will give, He will give, We shall/will give, They will give.
Verb Tenses: Past Tense, Present Tense & Future Tense with ...
Future Perfect Tense
I shall/will have given,  You will have given, He will have given, We shall/will have given
They will have given.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
• I have been giving. You have been giving• He has been giving
• We have been giving • They have been giving

Past Continuous Tense
I was giving, You were giving, He was giving We were giving, They were giving.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense
I had been giving, You had been giving , He had been giving ,We had been giving, They had been giving
Future Continuous Tense 
• I shall/will be giving  • You will be giving  • He will be giving  • We shall/will be giving  • They will be giving
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
I shall/will have been giving ,You will have been giving  He will have been giving 
He shall/will have been giving  They will have been giving
Simple Future Tense - Verbs and tenses
Exercise in Grammar
Point out the Verbs in the following sentences and name their tenses:- 
1. The river flows under the
2. I shall answer the letter to-night.
3. 1 knew he was there, for I had seen him come.
4. It has been raining all night.
5. I hear he has passed all right. 
6. I had finished when he came. 
7. He takes but little pride in his work. 
8. I have been living here for months. 
9. Be good, sweet maid. 
10. By this time to-morrow I shall have reached my home. 
11. It is time we left. 
12. He told me that he had finished 
13. God forgive you !
14. He is waiting for you in the compound.
15. Piper, pipe that song again.
16. I am hoping to get a holiday soon.
17. Perhaps it were better to obey him.
18. Do noble deeds, not dream them all the day.
19. I shall have plenty of time tomorrow.
20. Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.
21. The king had never before led his troops in battle.
22. If he was guilty, his punishment was too light.
23. We have heard a strange story.